Create Simple "Hello World" Android Application Using Android Studio

Build Simple Android Application Using Android Studio

1.Start Android Studio
   This is the starting window Of Android Studio.
   Select "Start a new Android Studio project"

Fig-1.Startup Android Studio Window

2. Configuration Of New Project..
      Provide Appropriate Project Name with disk drive location and click "Next".

Fig-2.Create New Project

3.Android Device Selection
Select your preferred android version SDK (Recommended to choose Minimum SDK)

                                                                                             Fig-3.Select Minimum SDK

4.Adding Activity For Application...Select Blank Activity and click "Next"

                                                                                         Fig-4.Add Blank Activity

5.Provide Activity Name with the layout name & Title and Say "Finish"...(Recommended To Keep Default Names To Avoid  Naming Confusion Ahead..)

                                                           Fig-5.Customize Blank Activity

6.Your Android Studio would be creating Project and loading component... 

                                                                         Fig-6.Creating Project

7.Building Project Info

                                                                         Fig-7.Building Project Information

8.The Below Pop-up window shall Prompt...(Recommended to go through instructions and say "Close")

               Fig-8.Processing Project

9.The Below given window is the "" tab which shall generate the code as changes are attempted on App Design... 

 Fig-9.Main Activity 

10. Default XMl code for the App Design...(Text option Given Below the Code shows the xml code and Design Option shows the App design)

     Fig-10.XML Code For App Design

11. Introduction To Android Studio Editor

       1.PaletteProvides a list of widgets and layouts which you can drag and drop into your layout in the editor.

        2.Component TreeShows the view hierarchy for your layout. Click an item here to see it is selected in the editor.

        3.PropertiesProvides property controls for the currently selected view.

       4.Screen OrientationRotate the device between landscape and portrait.

       5.API VersionSelect the version of Android on which to preview your layout.

Fig-11.Introduction To Editor

12. Lets Modify The "Hello-world" Text.....
     By Selecting The Text You Can Modify The Text As Per Your Requirement (As Shown Below I have Updated the Text Size and Text Color).

 Fig-12.Modifying TextView

13.Lets Try Some Other Text.......
         a.Select "Plain Text View" From Widgets and drag into your layout in Editor
Fig-13.a.Drag Plain Text-view

b.Select the Text view on the layout and access the properties(As Shown Below I have Updated the Text Size and Text Color).

 Fig-13.b.Update Plain Textview By Accessing Properties

14. Your Final Layout Should Look Something like this.......

 Fig-14.Final Layout

15.You Have Successfully Created Your "Hello World" Layout...

In The Next Tutorial We Will Be Running the App On Emulator.....

Thank You..!! 


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